iPhoto Organization Overhaul
My Mac needs a complete organization overhaul. Namely, iPhoto. It is A MESS! Until recently when I upload pictures I just leave them in the unnamed events they were downloaded to. I left them unnamed so they would just stay organized by date.
[pullquote width="300" float="left"]{ABOVE: To the left of iPhoto you can see that I have been making albums for specific photos. These are my favorites I have sorted through (for the most part) and am contemplating transferring to Finder or an external hard drive.}[/pullquote]
Now that I am beginning PL I also want to organize my favorites into specific weeks. Long story short, I need a new system! And I need one quick. My other issue is…I have sooo many photos that it is slowing down my iPhoto when I am editing. This also makes it so overwhelming to organize.
My new system is a work in progress. When I download photos I will immediately pick out my favorites (so obviously when I download I need to do it when I have enough time to go through them…AND not wait until I have 500 pics to download!) and organize them by week. I will then transfer those weekly albums to a folder in Finder (or external HD, haven't figured that out yet) so I can delete the album from iPhoto. At this time I will also decide which pictures to print to regular layouts or mini albums. My only issue with having photos in Finder is that it doesn't show the date the photo was taken!
My mind also work in mysterious ways. Sometimes when I'm looking for a specific photo I think about when it was taken so I search by date. Other times I need to search by event. So unfortunately, I need to file these folders separately.
Someone told me I can have different libraries in iPhoto. So for instance separate libraries by year so there aren't so many photo's running at once. Therefor slowing my computer down.
I guess right now I don't have a solution I am happy with. I really just need to write it all out to understand what I want to do. When it comes to stuff like this, it is hard for me to visualize the outcome when it isn't working for me.
Things to do:
- Organize photos in iPhoto.
- Transfer albums by week to finder.
- Decide on a printing method that's quick and easy.
- Delete unwanted photos.
- Organize remainder Finder files so I can locate easily and remember what I have (seems like a no brainer, just didn't happen).
Keeping track of this on my blog will keep me motivated to finish this project. I will feel more accountable I suppose. I am notorious for signing up to do massive projects and getting burnt out towards the end (or in the middle, lets be honest here).
Any tips would be lovely!