
You can’t freeze, buy, or go back in time…

My Little Blank Book by Jocelyn Renae || My Family

…Your best chance at these is to document life's little moments to forever cherish + reminisce.

My Little Blank Book by Jocelyn Renae || About

Create memories, live your story…

My Little Blank Book by Jocelyn Renae || About

…document in your little blank book.

This is why I do what I do. My family. We may not have captured the perfect family photo during our maternity photo session. Just like every moment may not be worth documenting. But I enjoy looking back on moments, simple pleasures, daily life. Things that may have lasted only a season or two, or even shorter. Because, let’s be honest, how many of us remember much about life when our kids were little and time was fleeting all while we tried to make ourselves, our kids, and our house look presentable. We may remember the big moments, events and baby firsts; but what about the first tiny whisper of “I love you, mama” without being prompted. Or the way your baby’s laughter sounded like music to your ears. Or the day where everything seemed to be going wrong and while you were hunched over on the floor cleaning yet another mess, your toddler comes up behind you with a big bear hug and doesn’t let go. Those little moments are worth documenting too. Come with me on a journey of capturing all these magical moments in life that if not written or captured in some form will be gone like smoke through your hands. Time. We can’t get it back, but we can gather what we’re given to forever cherish and reminisce. .