Hello September :: My Anticipation Month
Hello September, my friend. You are finally here!
There are many reasons why I love this time of year, but first and foremost is that Summer is over and the weather starts to cool down. It's not that I hate August. August and I just strongly disagree. I'm inhuman, I know. And I love summer, I swear I do. It's just that for me it is always one month too long (don't be a hater).
Every morning when my daughter wakes up, we open the curtains in her room and I always say "Hello, Morning". She gets a big smile on her face and we say hello to the birds, the sunshine, and the trees. So I want to say, "Hello, September. Hello, boots + sweaters + chai spice + cinnamon. I am so happy you are here."
At the beginning of each month, I want to pay tribute to the things I have to look forward to that month.
Starting with September seems so fitting because of all the reasons I mentioned above. It is also my "anticipation" month. It is the start of Autumn and the anticipation of all the wonderful goodness that comes with the holiday season. Every year in September I aspire to prepare for the next 3 months to get a head start. And every year September gets away from me and in slides October. My daughter was born last October, so this is the first year I get to plan a birthday party for her! That's one more thing to add to my list of to-do's that never seem to get done in September. So, without further ado...
The Joys of September
→ crisp, sunny mornings
→ chai tea latte's and hot cocoa
→ cinnamon + nutmeg
→ boots, sweaters and scarves
→ school buses
→ kids walking proudly with their new backpacks and favorite back to school fashions
→ fall decorating
→ holiday planning
→ anticipation of the season ahead
→ planning my daughters' Birthday Party
Are you thinking about your joy's of September?