Looking back on Years of Blogging Past
I have been reading through my old blog over on good 'ole blogspot.com and realized I have not one but TWO blogs I used to write. And I started the first one eight years ago, almost to the day! With all the joys God has graced us with between now and then (two houses in two cities and two kids) my mom brain has officially turned to mush and I forgot all about my old blogs. For your sake and for mine, please do not go check them out. But they were really fun for me to look back on and reminisce! I can't believe I have been blogging for 8 YEARS! Yet, I would not call myself a blogger or a writer.
It's funny to see the change in blogging trends just by reading my old posts. I was not a frequent poster, and my pictures lacked a certain punch. In the beginning, I blogged mainly about my Etsy shop and getting it off the ground (and it has drastically changed through the years!). I highlighted other blogs I enjoyed following, and only followed a few favorites. I listed all the blogs I followed on my own blog, and to go back and see what those were just brings back such peace and nostalgia...it's hard to describe. It almost felt like a simpler time. Whereas now, my email is completely bogged down by blog post updates from bloggers I don't even remember subscribing to. How sad is that?!
Blogging Past
I blogged about my scrapbooking, which was also infrequent but more frequent than now. I blogged about various life events happening at the time. I even found a post going on and on about how much I loved this new thing called Pinterest (which my hubby laughably pronounced pin-stressed) and that other people thought I was crazy when I told them how addicted I was to it. Oh the times. If only people knew.
Each post I read I had. to. cringe. The pictures! Such bad editing. SO bad. I can't even...let's move on.
However, reading through my old posts brought a lot of nostalgia. My hubby (then fiancé) and I were getting ready to move in together for the first time. A year later we bought our first house (oh how we love that house and wish we could carry it with us wherever we go). A year after that we were married and honeymooned in Jamaica. A year after that we went to Paris. Then, nine months later we had our baby girl! Since I'm sure you worked out the timeline there and may be wondering, she's a Paris baby! You're welcome.
Blogging Present
After the pleasure of reading what life was like at any given time the last eight years, I have decided that yes, it is totally worth continuing. Whether I get 1 follower (hi, honey!) or 1,000 or 10,000. It doesn't matter. What matters is that years from now I can show my kids something mommy did in the midst of changing diapers, wiping sticky fingerprints off everything, and snuggling kiddo's that smelled like heaven (with a clean diaper of course). Jesus and my family are my true passions. And, God willing, through this blog I will be able to portray what life was like for our family in a way that makes my kids proud when they look back on it.
Blogging Future
I don't want them to see that everything was all sunshine and roses and smiling babies. Because, let's be honest, life isn't like that. I want them to see the struggles we faced and how we persevered. How we remained faithful to God through it all, and said yes to Him in our day to day. How we brought joy to the people around us. And how, with the grace of God, we created a perfectly imperfect life just right for us. So that one day, when they face the same life circumstances, they will know that they can get through anything. Because if mom and dad can, they can too.