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Little Books for Little Stories
You cannot freeze, buy or go back in time. Your best chance at these is to document your little moments to forever cherish and reminisce. Create memories, live your story, document. Our books were made for times such as these.
Here's a little peek as some of the pages I've completed for my daughter's journal. Oh how I love to curl up and read about things I had forgotten about.
Journal Lines
Baby Books
With a new baby, who has time to keep up with a confined memory album where you have to fill in all the blanks. I sure didn't with my newborn. With this baby book you have the freedom to write what you want, when you want. Keep track of the important moments that you won't remember the specifics of later on, like when it happened and what you were thinking at that time. Like the day your baby first smiled, laughed, lifted their head or rolled over. With these journals you can jot down quick little notes, or write detailed entries.
Pregnancy Journals
Don't forget to document your little one from the very beginning with a no hassle pregnancy journal. You won't want to forget all the exciting things you are experiencing with your new little boy or girl: the first time you felt baby kick, when you bought baby’s first onesie, the crazy things you could smell or your food cravings and aversions. With these journals you can jot down quick little notes, or write detailed entries.
We have everything you need to decorate your journal pages. Including die cuts, stickers and journaling cards. All you need to add is a pen and adhesive! Except for the stickers. Don't add adhesive to the stickers. That would be redundant and all mama's know we don't have time for that!
Weekly Journaling Prompts
Don't know what to write about? We've got you covered. Sign up for our newsletter below to receive full access to our library of journaling prompts, free printable's to add to your journals, and a few inspirational decor pieces.
Here are a few example journaling prompts. You will also receive examples of each prompt to help get you started.