Spokane Bride Blog Marketplace


ShopReminiscence Wedding Favor Tag Samples I was just approached through my Etsy shop to have some of my items featured in a mini wedding scene through Spokane Bride Blog's Marketplace (who are teaming with other local vendors) at the Brides Night Out event in Spokane, WA.  SBBM is a website where brides can go to locally buy + sell their new and used wedding dresses, accessories and decor.  Yep, that's my garland and tags right there on the front page.  *giggle*giggle*

I'll write more about the Brides Night Out event soon.  But I wanted to show you some of the tags I created specially for this event.  The "hello, forever" and "thank you" oval tags are brand new inventory and not even posted in my shop yet.  So hopefully I will get some good feedback from them.

Thank You Favor Tag


Brides Night Out Inventory

I realize this is not much inventory for a show.  But I only had a few weeks to prepare on top of running ShopReminiscence and trying to keep my daughter active and my house clean manageable.  I know that if I want to prepare for a craft fair sometime, I will need months to plan.  Months I tell you!

A little insight to my process for making multiple tags:

LBB-Inventory1LBB-Inventory2LBB-Inventory3No secrets there.

Read this blog post by AppleBrides.com to learn more about why your wedding needs Brides Night Out.