Shop Reminiscence back from Vacation!


Oh happy day!  Finally after a wonderfully long vacation, I have opened Shop Reminiscence back up and am ready to get busy.  I took a little longer than expected because I wanted to build up my stock before orders started coming through.  So I have LOTS of new paper for my journals all cut up and ready to be bound once that first order comes through.[slide id="Slider_id"] [images src="" title="image title" caption="pregnancy journal by ShopReminiscence" url=""]

[images src="" title="image title" caption="pregnancy journal by ShopReminiscence" url=""]

[images src="" title="image title" caption="journal page excerpts by ShopReminiscence" url=""]

[images src="" title="image title" caption="Remember When journal by ShopReminiscence" url=""]

[images src="" title="image title" caption="Baby Book by ShopReminiscence" url=""]

[images src="" title="image title" caption="journal page excerpts by ShopReminiscence" url=""] [/slide] I decided to try a different approach to my shop this year.  Last year when an order came through I would make the whole journal, start to finish, on demand.  Shop Reminiscence started getting super busy when I quite my day job in August.  I felt even busier and stressed out multi-tasking with an almost one-year-old than I did when I was mainly working outside my home (go figure).  Each night we would put her to bed, and as I longingly watched my husband crash on the couch in front of the tv…I went upstairs until late at night to finish up orders to ship the next day.

So…stress no more I say!  I am going to try and keep up on my inventory.  Have all embellishments pre-packaged.  Paper and covers pre-cut and ready to go.  And I will only ship twice a week (days to be determined).  Wish me luck!  And while you're at it, go check out Shop Reminiscence!   I mean please go check out my shop.  tee-hee