I married my college sweetheart and our lives revolve around our two kiddo's.
Paper crafts, reading, and playing with our kids are daily occurrences.
I love Paris in the rain.
I love kettle corn and red wine...together. Throw in a Harry Potter movie and I'm in heaven.
I watch reruns of Friends without ever getting tired of it.
My parents met at their college bus stop. So did my husband and I.
It will be hard to beat our second anniversary spending it at the top of the Eiffel Tower.
I have a birthmark in the same place as my mother's.
It takes six minutes to brew my morning coffee. It's the longest 6 minutes of my life.
I am so glad you stopped by this little place of mine. My Little Blank Book is a place for me to share little happenings in the Langston household; where I showcase my pregnancy and baby book products; and give journaling and design inspiration to make your personal book a keepsake to enjoy for years to come. I welcome you to sign up for my email newsletter to receive journaling prompts, free design resources and pages to add to your journals. There will also be some free decor printable's for you to frame and enjoy.
I love hearing from my people and fellow journal nerds, so please shoot me an email if you have any questions or suggestions!